Monday, June 11, 2007

New Insulin

Bristol Myers and Flamel Tecnologies have agreed to develop a new insulin called Basulin. Basulin is the first controlled release insulin that uses recombinant human insulin, rather than an insulin analog. Basulin operates like lantus but has a lower risk of hypoglycemia. Basulin is now entering phase II of clinical development.

According to the World Health Orgaization, approximately 177 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes and this number is expected to double by year 2025. I have noticed during my clinical practice that 4 out of my 7 patients always have diabetes; it has become an epidemic. Education is necessary for the prevention and control of this disease. For further information visit:

1 comment:

marcia said...

I was unaware of Basulin, thanks for the update. I was reading another blog post on obesity. Due to the increase in weight more people are becomming more obese, thus the need for for types of insulin that does not cause hypoglyemia. I also believe we need to put mor funds into educating children about proper diet to prevent some of this obseity and thus some of the consequencies of besity. Marcia